Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Soc girls, Drive-Ins and Mustangs.

Yesterday was a big day for me. I met some gal with Pony when we were in the cinema, Johnny was there too, but he talks so little its kind of hard to notice him. We were having so much fun, me and Marcia, the gal, Pony even said that we have the same scatterbrained sense  of humor, and I think that's true. We shared a popcorn, since we were in the movies, but I didn't even know what movie we were watching, Marcia really got all of my attention. We were making sense to each other, and by Ponyboy's face, I see that no one else saw any sense in what were talking about. After the cinema we met our good friends, the socs. Their Mustang stopped right beside us. I have to say, Pony and Johnny were trembling so much, but I'm never afraid. I held them off until Marcia and Cherry went off with the checkered-shirt monkeys, who were, apparently, their boyfriends. I think I was a little too boozed up to ask for her number and even talk with a soc girl. To get my senses back, I played some snooker and got drunk, like I usually do.

Marcia, the soc girl.

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