Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Day with Pony

Since Darry went to work, I could really showcase my babysitting skills with Pony, I have practiced them for years now. We did the dishes first, before getting to the fun stuff. We finished them in a second because mother makes me help her with the dishes since I was a little kid, so I’m pretty much a master dish washer. When we were done, Pony started crying about cleaning up the room if the fuzz came, but if he thought that was dirty, he should see my house. After we were done working, we stopped at the Tastee-Freez, which is my favorite restaurant, and we had a few cokes and some rest. There we met the socs, apparently they were the ones that were drowning Pony and they were friends with Bob, the dead soc. I said that there was no fights until the rumble, which we were all anticipating, so I guess no one wanted to get hurt. Then, Randy asked for Pony, I shrugged. But deep inside I was scare, I could feel the cold running down my spine. What if they kill Pony because of what happened to Bob? What if they punch him until Pony doesn’t even know his name anymore? These questions were running through my mind as I sat there, doing nothing, frozen. I was almost going to get out of my seat and go show them what pain really feels like, but Pony and Randy came out of the car and I felt a great relief, I didn't have to be beaten up by Darry. I asked Pony about their demands, but he said it was nothing. We were supposed to go to the movies, but someone chickened out, and it wasn't me.

My favorite restaurant, the Tastee-freez!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hospital Problems

After the whole burning church accident, Johnny, Dally and Ponyboy went to the hospital. I wasn't scared for Dally because he is tough and a few burns were not going to stop him, and Pony had a few bruises and burns but he was okay too. Johnny, however, had a broken back. If that was me I’d probably me screaming my lungs out. Not because of the pain, but because I would not be able to go to the rumble, which was just the night when both Dally and Johnny were in the hospital. I went to get a copy of that book that Johnny loves so much, Gone with the Wind. Pony told me to get it so that he could read it to Johnny. I have no idea why someone would want a book when they can have me telling them my best jokes, but Johnny wants the book, and he will get the book. When me and Pony were going to see Dallas we saw the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life, Johnny’s mother. She was shouting at the nurses for not letting her see Johnny, who didn’t want to see her, and when we passed by she said it was all because of us “no-count hoodlums.” I really wanted to pull the blade on her, but it was Johnny’s mom. Dally asked me if he could borrow my switchblade, I hesitated because she’s part of the family, but I said yes. I already have in mind what he will do to go to the rumble, I just hope the nurses aren’t too hurt, mentally or physically, when Dally is out of there. Dally is kind of unpredictable sometimes, so there is no telling what he will do.
Johnny, Pony and Dally, poor guys.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Johnny kills a Soc

Johnny killed a soc, I can't believe it, I simply can't. I thought if someone would kill a soc that would be Dally or Steve. Last time I saw Pony and Johnny they looked just fine, but now I wonder how they are. Dally told me that Ponyboy and Johnny came to him for help and he gave them some money for food and a place to go. He told me to not tell Darry or he'd be very mad at him, he told me to let him tell Darry about Pony and Johnny's escape. Dally also told me that he told the cops Pony and Johnny skipped town and went to Texas, which really took some pressure off of my back. He said he'd visit Johnny and Pony in a church in Jay Mountain in a week, which is a very deserted place in Windrixville where they're hiding. Right now, I am worried despite the fact that the cops are looking for them in Texas and Dallas is going to visit them in a week, they're greasers, not murderers, I sure hope they're back here soon. It's better for me to stop crying about it now, because good old Two-Bit never sheds a tear.

Can you believe it? This kid killed a soc!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Soc girls, Drive-Ins and Mustangs.

Yesterday was a big day for me. I met some gal with Pony when we were in the cinema, Johnny was there too, but he talks so little its kind of hard to notice him. We were having so much fun, me and Marcia, the gal, Pony even said that we have the same scatterbrained sense  of humor, and I think that's true. We shared a popcorn, since we were in the movies, but I didn't even know what movie we were watching, Marcia really got all of my attention. We were making sense to each other, and by Ponyboy's face, I see that no one else saw any sense in what were talking about. After the cinema we met our good friends, the socs. Their Mustang stopped right beside us. I have to say, Pony and Johnny were trembling so much, but I'm never afraid. I held them off until Marcia and Cherry went off with the checkered-shirt monkeys, who were, apparently, their boyfriends. I think I was a little too boozed up to ask for her number and even talk with a soc girl. To get my senses back, I played some snooker and got drunk, like I usually do.

Marcia, the soc girl.